Our spinal cord is attached to the base of our brain, runs down our spine in a cage of vertebrae, and stops a bit above your hips. Groups of nerves send messages from all over your body to your brain, allowing for control of movement and the abilities to feel sensations.

A spinal cord injury occurs when a sudden intense blow damages, shatters, or fractures the vertebrae. A stab or gunshot can sever the spinal cord, as well as falls. One large factor of spinal cord injuries is alcohol use, with 25 percent of all spinal cord injuries involving alcohol. Inebriated people make poor decisions, which can manifest themselves in drunk driving car accidents and reckless actions done in the name of leisure.

Car accidents even in cases that do not involve alcohol contribute 35 percent of spinal cord injury accidents. Recreational sports also provide 9 percent of spinal cord injuries, particularly in the areas of high-touch sports like lacrosse and football, or sports like competitive diving.

Anyone who has suffered a spinal cord injury in Atlanta may benefit from speaking with a qualified personal injury attorney.

If you have been injured by another party and need representation by a legal team that will fight hard for you, call Rafi Law Firm today for a free consultation at 404-800-9933.