Herniated discs, whether they came from car accidents, workplace injuries, or other causes, can create a debilitating pain that stop people from being able to live their daily lives. Treatment options will depend on the nature of the injury and the severity and type of damage.

While there are many surgical options available, most treatment begins with less invasive options, such as a combination of medication and physical therapy. For some injuries, relearning proper body mechanics to perform daily activities is enough to reduce pain, and therefore avoid the risks of a surgical procedure.

For others, these options are not enough. Surgery for spinal pain is reserved for only the most severe pain due to the many risks involved with any surgical procedure. Only injuries where a fix can clearly be identified on an x-ray have a chance to undergo surgical treatments. Spinal surgery has risks involved with work so close to the sensitive and delicate spinal cord.

Legal options may be available to anyone who has suffered a disc injury in Atlanta.


If you have been injured by another party and need representation by a legal team that will fight hard for you, call Rafi Law Firm today for a free consultation at 404-800-9933.