pedestrian hit by car
October 3rd, 2019
The Story: The morning of August 23, 2018 started like any other day for our client, RM—he woke up, ate breakfast, and walked his dog through his neighborhood on Vista...
California Rideshare Law
September 27th, 2019
California Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed a law that could make Uber and Lyft drivers “employees” rather than “independent contractors.” This comes as a result of frequent protests and strikes...
bicycle hit by car
September 20th, 2019
For various reasons over the past decade or so—including increased commuter traffic; environmental concerns; and simply more people wanting to exercise—Atlanta roads have seen an influx of bicyclists. Unfortunately, more...
Call from insurance company
September 6th, 2019
Imagine you are driving through an intersection with a green light. All the sudden, a big pick-up truck driving on the road perpendicular to you runs a red light. The...
Suing a cruise ship
August 9th, 2019
Cruises are big business. And just like with any big business, things happen and people get hurt. If you are injured due to a cruise line’s negligence while aboard a...
Ortiz special damages
August 2nd, 2019
A few weeks ago, we posted a blog discussing whether former Boston Red Sox player David Ortiz would be able to recover from Dial Bar and Lounge, the nightclub where...