The details of any Worker’s Compensation program will vary from state to state, largely in part because each state has its own legislation on how companies much approach Worker’s Compensation. There are many different factors that will affect how much it costs to have a Worker’s Compensation policy for your staff. However, on average in Georgia, it costs about $1.16 for every $100 paid in employee wages.

Compared to other states, that’s on the lower end. Texas has the lowest average rate of Worker’s Comp at $0.75 for every $100 spent on employee wages, with Massachusetts a close second ($0.76). At the other end of the spectrum, Alaska has the highest average cost of Worker’s Compensation at $2.74 for every $100 paid in employee wages.

By identifying the class code of your industry, you can find a more exact estimate of the price of Worker’s Compensation. For example, a worker’s compensation policy for a doctor’s office (code 8832) costs between $0.29 and $1.16, while a policy for a painting company (code 5474) will cost between $9.69 and $38.83.

An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can provide more information regarding your rights if you are injured at work.

If you have been injured by another party and need representation by a legal team that will fight hard for you, call Rafi Law Firm today for a free consultation at 404-800-9933.